Playing Around with PrayGround by Callie Boyd
The children change the world through prayer, all the while having fun with Jesus. PrayGround is built on the premise that children are full participants in God’s Kingdom now. We work to create an environment that encourages the children to access the King and His Kingdom by using prayer stations, games, art, dance, scripture memory, etc.
Welcome to a mind-shaking perspective of kids and God’s Kingdom. Playing Around with PrayGround will introduce thoughts that are challenging to our minds concerning children, thus, producing more questions than I can answer. Only God knows it all. This book was written for parents and children’s ministers.
The term PrayGround was incorporated from Esther Ilnisky’s book, Let the Children Pray. PrayGround is built on the premise that children are full participants in God’s Kingdom now. We work to create an environment that encourages the children to access the King and His Kingdom by using prayer stations, games, art, dance, scripture memory, etc. It is experiencing Jesus through children’s spirits, all five senses, and their minds. The children change the world through prayer, all the while having fun with Jesus. Our desire is that the stories and examples in this book will stir a fire in your heart for the call God has given you and cause your creativity to flourish as you train up the next generations.

About Callie Boyd
Randy and Callie Boyd have served in Prepare International for over 15 years. Before joining PI they served in the arenas of pastoral ministry, church planting, Christian and public education.
The Boyds’ passion for discipleship bring a relational edge to the ministry of PI. Randy is the Executive Director and Callie is the Family, Prayer and Missions Coordinator. Both are on the field as trainers and speakers.
They have three children: Josiah David, married to Brandi; Bethany Marie, married to Boone; Hannah Grace, married to Nathan. Callie credits her children for being her teachers about the Kingdom. She has served on several church staffs and has taught in both public and private schools. God birthed PrayGround in her heart and now it has been a tool used by families and churches around the world.
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