Jesus reveals his plan to establish the Church in Matthew 16 when he proclaims to his disciples, “on this rock I will build my church”. In that very same conversation, Jesus tells his disciples he is giving them the keys to the Kingdom!
The most powerful agent God has released in the earth to manifest and establish His Kingdom is the Church. Jesus reveals his plan to establish the Church in Matthew 16 when he proclaims to his disciples, “on this rock I will build my church”. In that very same conversation, Jesus tells his disciples he is giving them the keys to the Kingdom! The church is the Father’s primary expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. But through the centuries, the connection between the Church and God’s Kingdom has not always been clear. Is the Church a synonym for the Kingdom of Heaven? Is the Kingdom of God the ultimate destination of the Church (heaven)? It is vitally important to know the answers to these questions.
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